Monday, December 27, 2010

Australia Comes to Canada

We are still days from leaving but I feel as though the adventure has already begun! On December 22, Dan and I picked up our new Australian friends at Winnipeg Airport. After their long travel, I think they were tired, yet excited to finally be in the country they will call home for the next year. We made our introductions and then piled their luggage into the van and made our way back to Kenora. It was a mild but dreary day and the scenery east of Winnipeg was flat and white. By the time we reached the Canadian shield, it was quickly becoming dark but we promised that they would wake up the next morning to a beautiful winter wonderland!
We arrived at our home and when they stepped out of the car onto the snow, they stopped and commented to one another "Listen to it crunch!" as they moved their feet. We were captivated by their wonder as they touched the fluffy snow with their fingers and giggled. It made us reflect on how we take the snow and cold for granted - even are annoyed by it at times.
We showed them around our home and then left for the night - THAT was a strange feeling. We knew that we could no longer just saunter into our home without knocking or calling. It was now their home for the next 365 days. We left, now homeless and headed out to my parents where we will stay until January 1.

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