Tuesday, December 14, 2010


The days are winding down and my stomach is tightening up! The excitement is building and the boys are packing up their bedrooms to make them ready for our exchange partners. There is still so much to do and so little time left to do it in. We have been busy cleaning and purging and soon we will begin packing. How do you pack for a family of five for a year in 5, 50lb suitcases?

I am looking forward to the summer season in Australia and to travelling a bit before settling into our new "home" and lifestyle. We are also excited to pick up our Australian Exchange partners at the airport in about a week. We are going to try to give them a real "Canadian Christmas" before heading off on New Year's Day. We have a real tree up in our house and the scent of pine fills the air. A big Christmas feast is planned along with ice fishing, skating and sledding. It should be a great time.


  1. I am so excited for all of you! I think this is the opportunity of a life time! Will miss you all so will blog regularly. By the way, I gave your puppy several treats! Hope he doesn't get fat!

  2. Tammy, best of luck and I look forward to reading all about it! I'm so happy for you and admire your sense of adventure and courage! Take good care down under!

  3. Hey, Bush Boys! Can't wait to see the pictures and hear the comments! Have a great Christmas and travel time!

  4. This is such an awesome opportunity for you and your family. Enjoy every minute you're away and keep us in the loop. Be safe in your travels! We'll blog often. Carole and gang

  5. I only wish I were the Australian family. Those lucky dogs do not realize just how fortunate they are - getting the whole Bush Family Christmas experience will be the highlight of their trip!
    Have a great time and post pictures often!
