Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Aussie Strine (Slang)

Here are some new Aussie terms I am wrapping my brain around now...

"this arvo" means this afternoon - I have recieved many a letter from parents saying that would pick up their child this arvo.

"bestie" means your best friends (I guess we have BFF so I shouldn't be too shocked about this one)

"brellie" means umbrella - Bring your brellie to the footy field, it's gonna be a wet one!

"crook" means your sick or injured - Your looking a bit crook today - are you right?

"dag" one of those endearing terms for someone you love who is a bit goofy (I've actually been called this and wasn't sure if it was an insult or not but now I'm okay with it)

"good onya" good for you, well done

"kindie" kindergarten - The kindies are going on a field trip to the farm.

"the Salvo" The Salvation Army - I got my outfit at the Salvo.

"Vinnies" St. Vincent De Paul (use sentence above only sub Vinnies). We have a group in our school who raise money for those less fortunate and they are called "Mini Vinnies".

"a snag" a sausage - I actually was in a restaurant and reading the specials board and it said, apple and onion snags with mashed potato and vegetable. I had to ask someone what that was.

"swag" a sleeping bag that you can sleep under the stars in because it has a built in mini tent for your head.

"sunnies" your sunglasses. I brought my sunnnies to the beach.

"whinge" complain - Stop your whinging and get on with it!

she/he/it 'll be right whatever will be fine - Give Jack a couple weeks and he'll be right (at the sitters).

It is really funny as I notice more and more the kids are adopting some Aussie language. I think we still have our Canadian accents but the words we use are changing. I often hear Jack asking to go "to the toilet", or telling me to stay on the "footpath" (sidewalk) at the park. Sam "reckons" a lot of things and if anyone has a bit of an accent at times, it would be him. Jake seems to use it a bit, but I think he is holding on to his "Canadianness?" the most. I nearly gasped when I heard myself ask someone how they were "going"? I chuckled the other day when a "mate" said that they thought I was getting an Australian accent because they don't notice when my accent when I talk as much anymore - I think it is just that they are getting accustomed to hearing me speak. :)

All part of this wonderful journey! I wonder if O'Mahoney's are finding the same?

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